Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
The only thing I'm complaining about is the light torch: the aura
looks good, but the projected light circle is invisible most of the
times.  Other lightning effects look fine, including dangling lights
in ceilings.
Actually, those rendering errors are pretty bad in some parts of the
game (makes it unplayable for some parts). You can get a correct rendering (as far as I can tell) if you switch off tcl (tcl_mode=0, or use driconf).
And I hate to say it, but IMHO the arb path of doomIII really looks ugly (it looks just as ugly if you use the windows driver and force the arb path, the r200 render path looks really A LOT better, unfortunately the open-source driver doesn't implement the required extensions (some bits of documentation are missing afaik, and even if not (I have no idea what's in the documentation or not) it would probably quite a bit of work as core mesa doesn't support them neither (mostly ATI_(text_)fragment_shader).

I also noticed that wine + Doom3.exe doesn't work any more (blue
window complaining about OPENGL32.DLL missing).  I'm not sure if it's
caused by new Mesa or new Wine, but I could investigate.
Looks more like a wine bug to me (there have been quite some changes afaik lately in that area).


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