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Jerome Glisse wrote:
| On Mon, 19 May 2008 10:25:16 -0700
| Ian Romanick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> | Does in GL3 object must be unmapped before being use ? IIRC this
what is
|> | required in current GL 1.x and GL 2.x. If so i think i can still
use VRAM
|> | as cache ie i put their object which are barely never mapped (like a
|> | constant texture, or constant vertex table). This avoid me to think to
|> | complexe solution for cleanly handling unmappable vram.
|> Be careful here.  An object must be unmapped in the context where it is
|> used for drawing.  However, buffer objects can be shared between
|> contexts.  This means that even today in OpenGL 1.5 context A can be
|> drawing with a buffer object while context B has it mapped.  Of course,
|> context A doesn't have to see the changes caused by context B until the
|> next time it binds the buffer.  This means that copying data for the map
|> will "just work."
| Is the result defined by GL specification ? ie does B need to access an
| old copy of the object or if A is rendering to this object can we let B
| see the ongoing rendering.
| In latter case this likely lead to broken rendering if there is no
| synchronization btw A & B.

The GLX spec says, basically, that the results of changes to a shared
object in context A are guaranteed to be visible to context B when
context B binds the object.  It leaves a lot of slack for changes to
show up earlier.  This is part of the reason that app developers want
NV_fence-like functionality.
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