Matt Johnston schrieb:
Hi Robert,

It would probably require changing a bit of Dropbear's auth
code to use mechanisms other than /etc/passwd, though
in general probably not much work.

I've been reluctant to add more PAM support since the PAM
programming interface is quite ill-suited to modern network
applications (without forking a separate helper to talk to
the PAM modules).


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 03:52:12AM +0100, Robert Schetterer wrote:
Hi all,
ich have a sharedweb ( http/ftp ) server on unbuntu
i used
with vsftpd for full virtual users auth
for vsftp and apache, i tried setup
dropbear equal but cant get it to work
seems only accepts users in /etc/passwd
( no tricky pam helped )
running from xinetd with bind to serveral ips an ports runs fine
would it be heavy stuff to integrate some pam with
pam_pwdfile , and mayby pam_chroot ?
Sorry if allready asked this questions or i was to trickle out a exist

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


Hi Matt, i understand, its a pitty
having more pam modules would it make easy
to setup scp connects with full virtual users
i am not able to code it by myself so i respect your meaning
and thx for answer


Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Best Regards

Robert Schetterer

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