Ahhh... testing. It's an interesting subject. Because we can all see the
importance in being able to say that something is tested and working - but
we all have different experiences (or simply take different things away from
the same experiences) of what works, and what doesn't.

On 7 April 2010 23:58, Mark Diggory <mdigg...@atmire.com> wrote:
> 2.) We need to get the modules properly broken up and out from the
> synchronous release cycle like we discussed previously in our IRC meetings.
> This means moving more of the dspace-xxx code into the modules space and
> organizing accordingly.

That's an important process, and can bring some improvements that will
enable more testing. But I don't see that it's explicitly linked.

> 3.) So a Testing Harness, even if called from Ant should be a separate
> project that can be called independently against any DSpace URL and I think
> you are getting us a good start here.


Or rather, this is where it directly relates to Scott's original approach. I
totally agree that for system testing we need to hold that as separate from
the main codebase, and be able to run it against an installation of choice.

My one observation of Scott's patch is that as a specific implementation,
it's a very developer centric approach to writing and performing tests in an
area that isn't otherwise the exclusive domain of a developer.

I would favour the use of something like Selenium for testing at the user

Which would open up the ability to author and run tests to a wider field
than developers. It's probably also just plain faster to work with for most
developers too (although I can't in any way quantify that statement).

> 4.) However, work like dspace-discovery will completely violate these test
> classes as they replace significant Search and Browse logic.

In theory, testing at the UI level, it ought to be possible to replace
significant logic - like switching search and/or browse out to
dspace-discovery - without invalidating the test scripts. That depends on
what you expect to have out of the final system.

But really, it's fine if the UI tests have to change. It's probably fine if
true unit tests have to change. You can't evolve if you don't remove, alter,
try new things. The system has to change, and therefore so do the tests.

The alternative is that we declare DSpace is 'complete', congratulate
ourselves on a job well done and enjoy a jolly good drink at Open
Repositories 2010.

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