I'm running Redhat and installed the binary for tomcat


Mark Diggory wrote:
> It depends on the linux vendor, which linux are you running and how  
> did you install tomcat originally? (RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo?  
> etc).
> -Mark
> On Jan 25, 2007, at 9:10 AM, Susan Teague Rector wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I thought I'd jump in here
>> I have just installed Dspace on a test server and am running it on : 
>> 80. I think I want to move to the model you all are listing where  
>> we log in through https:// thus running Tomcat under Apache.
>> I have a silly question though - Do I need to build the mod_jk  
>> connector in Linux? It doesn't look like there's a binary  
>> distribution?
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Susan Teague Rector
>> Web Applications Manager
>> VCU Libraries: Library Information Systems
>> 804.827.3554 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Mark Diggory wrote:
>>> John,
>>> It is mounted vi mod_jk, connector which allows apache to  
>>> communicate with tomcat directly. I left that out, those details  
>>> are available in tomcats server.xml. There are two configurations  
>>> that you are hearing back from Larry Stone and myself about.
>>> 1.) Use Apache and mod_jk in front of tomcat to handle http/https  
>>> requests. In which apache handles which port a request goes to ala  
>>> URL Rewrites/Redirects, tomcat listens via the mod_jk/ajp  
>>> connector for requests. This is a the solution usually taken in  
>>> production environments running tomcat. It allows the System  
>>> Administrator to control the entire request process and its  
>>> behavior. There are many "mods" in Apache that can do things like  
>>> bandwidth filtering, redirecting and URL rewriting which are  
>>> difficult if not impossible to find for Tomcat directly. This  
>>> solution does not require having to recompile the dspace  
>>> webapplication to administer these aspects, it allows your System  
>>> Admin to take control in this area while your application  
>>> developers deal with the web-application side.
>>> 2.) Use Tomcat to directly serve http/https and security  
>>> constraints. This requires rebuilding the war (or just editing the  
>>> security constraint in web.xml <http://web.xml>) to enforce this  
>>> restriction. Note, you have open tomcat up on two ports http and  
>>> https You also need to hack the JSP's to redirect you back out of  
>>> https after your user is leaving a protected area.
>>> This is why I choose the former solution, it is always in the  
>>> hands of the system administrator, who is the expert in this area  
>>> and actualy needs to control these security aspects of a service  
>>> as the responsibility of his/her position. It requires zero  
>>> modification of the DSpace web-application JSPs and configuration  
>>> and thus is very easy to maintain across dspace upgrades.  Each  
>>> solution has its nuances and complexities. You'll need to evaluate  
>>> for yourself, which seems most appropriate for your taste and  
>>> situation.
>>> -Mark Diggory
>>> On Jan 24, 2007, at 3:19 PM, John Preston wrote:
>>>> I see that you are redirecting to the apache https service. Where  
>>>> is the tomcat server, I presume on 84343 port.
>>>> John
>>>> On 1/24/07, *Mark Diggory* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>     We accomplish this within our Apache httpd service in front of
>>>>     Tomcat. Basically I use mod_rewrite to force specific url's into
>>>>     http or https. (for example:
>>>>>     ## SSL Virtual Host Context
>>>>>     <VirtualHost <>>
>>>>     ...
>>>>>            RewriteEngine on
>>>>>            RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_URI}    !^/certificate-login.*
>>>>>            RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_URI}    !^/password-login.*
>>>>>            RewriteRule   ^/(.*)  http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R]
>>>>     ...
>>>>>     </VirtualHost>
>>>>>     <VirtualHost <>>
>>>>     ...
>>>>>             RewriteEngine on
>>>>>             RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_URI}    ^/certificate- 
>>>>> login.* [OR]
>>>>>             RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_URI}    ^/password-login.*
>>>>>             RewriteRule   ^/(.*)  https://%{HTTP_HOST}:443/$1 [L,R]
>>>>     -Mark
>>>>     On Jan 24, 2007, at 2:15 PM, John Preston wrote:
>>>>>     Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use https for just the
>>>>>     login steps and regualr unsecured http to access my dspace  
>>>>> site.
>>>>>     I need to secure the login username/password phase but once
>>>>>     logged in I want to use the regular http so it is as fast as
>>>>>     possible.
>>>>     Mark R. Diggory
>>>>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>     DSpace Systems Manager
>>>>     MIT Libraries, Systems and Technology Services
>>>>     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>> Mark R. Diggory
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> DSpace Systems Manager
>>> MIT Libraries, Systems and Technology Services
>>> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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> Mark R. Diggory
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> DSpace Systems Manager
> MIT Libraries, Systems and Technology Services
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
VCU Libraries: Library Information Systems
804.827.3554 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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