It look's like it can't find the registrationdata_seq.

Try running:

SELECT registrationdata_seq.nextval FROM dual;

it probably won't work, in which case you will need to create the
sequence. First, run:

SELECT MAX(registrationdata_id) FROM registrationdata;

to see if there are any IDs already in the table - if there are, you
need to create the sequence starting with a higher number (at least 1
larger than the number returned). Then run:

CREATE SEQUENCE registrationdata_seq START WITH 1;

although change that 1 to a higher number if the previous command showed
that it was necessary.


On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 12:35 -0700, Brian Helstien wrote:
> Wednesday, I noted that following the directions to modify the Oracle
> database schema didn't succeed.  In trying to actually run the
> application, I am getting Oracle database errors, such as the following
> from the DEBUG dspace.log.  The Oracle database is on a different server
> than Dspace (if that makes any difference) and my question is, and how
> exactly should I go about correctly modifying the schema to support
> 1.4.2?  Help, please?

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