Hi Tom,

I was happy to find that
DSpace-1.5 includes Manakin as a web-UI option.
The DSpace-1.5 install includes a 'webapps' directory
with multiple webapp (unzipped .war) children
ready to be registered with Tomcat or whatever
(I like Glassfish):

$ ls /opt/dspace15/webapps
jspui/  lni/  oai/  sword/  xmlui/

The 'jspui' is the traditional jsp-based DSpace UI,
and the 'xmlui' is the Manakin XML/XSL UI - pick
the one you like - they both work great.


>>> Thomas A McGee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/3/2008 8:52 AM >>>
The documentation only hints at this, but is Manakin part of the
installation of 1.5? Or is it still something you have to compile and 
deploy separately? 

Tom McGee
Seton Hall University TLTC
973 761 9000 x5021

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