I could use some help on a DSpace mystery. We are on 1.4.2 and just created a 
custom submission input form process for DSpace for a particular collection, 
primary using the instructions from 
http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/Alter_submission_input_forms and it works just 
fine, except for one problem. One of the fields just doesn't show up at all 

Interestingly, this field is a really simple one, and it is a basically 
unchanged from the default Publisher field value in the input-forms.xml file. 
It looks like this in the file:

 <hint>Enter the publisher of the collection.</hint>

I've tried moving it to a different place in the submission workflow, but it 
still doesn't show up. All of the other custom fields show up and write the 
correct DC metadata for submitted item of this particular collection, but the 
Publisher field doesn't show up at all.

Has anyone seen this before? Is there a limit on the number of submission 
fields of a particular page? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Stacy Pennington
Associate Database Analyst
Rhodes College

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