I'm from OCLC and I've asked the folks who are supposed to know.


There are absolutely no restrictions on using the Dewey numbers.  You
can assign those numbers to your works and then use them to organize
your works.  It would be nice if you said something on your site about
Dewey being copyrighted.  But otherwise, numbers are numbers and you can
use them to your heart's content.


The problem comes when you try to assign meaning to those numbers; then
you're using the work of the Dewey Editors.  The text associated with
those numbers IS copyright.  But, if you can restrict the usage to just
browsing up and down the numbers, you're good.




From: Andrew Marlow [mailto:marlow.and...@googlemail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:55 AM
To: dspace-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Dspace-tech] subject hierachy using Dewey Decimal would allow
moreuser friendly browsing


Hello DSpacers,

I would like to be able to browse the subjects hierachically. I am not
sure if DSpace can do that. What I mean is that assuming I have
categorized all my journal articles with multiple db.subject values I
want to start at science (let's say) then drill down to chemistry, then
crystallography. At the moment all these subjects are peers. How do I
arrange them in a hierachy please?

I know that Dewey Decimal (DD) is not the be-all-and-end-all but IMO it
would be useful for this. Are there any plans for DSpace to provide
better support for DD? What I would like is for DSpace to know the DD
hierachy. Then when I file an article with a very specific DD number it
would generate all the subjects that lead to it. That would be much more
user-friendly that having to file multiple dc.subject values. Do people
think this would be useful? Maybe it is over the top or impractical. I
thought I would raise it here first before putting it in as a feature


Andrew M.

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