I would like to better understand how METS/MODS XML documents can be 
stored into a DSpace repository. Specifically, I am interested in a 
practical explanation of the step-by-step process on how to get 
METS/MODS XML documents ingested into a Dspace repository. I have spent 
a lot of time reading the DSpace Wiki and found a number of pages which 
address the topic but I have been unable to develop the level of 
understanding required to achieve my objective.

Some of the Wiki pages that I have read through that seem relavent are:


Let me first begin by describing my DSpace environment. I have 
successfully installed a DSPACE 1.5.2 environment on an Ubuntu server 
using PostgreSQL 8.3.7. I have un-commented METS and MODS from 
config/templates/oaicat.properties and performed a re-build.

1) Are there any additional steps that I need to enable MET/MODS within 
my DSpace repository?
2) How does one verify or 'see' what crosswalk plug-ins are enabled? Is 
there any way to check? I had read somewhere that one can check by going 
to the following URL but it does not seem to work. 
3) Should the METS automatically show up in the 'Metadata Schema 
Registry' admin section within dspace once enabled?
4) Do you have to manually add it after a build even though enabled when 
Assuming that METS will show up just like DC does? If not, what else 
needs to happen and where does one interact with it like one does with DC?
5) Once I can verify that both METS and MODS are enabled within my 
DSpace environment, what steps must I take to ingest a METS/MODS XML 
6) Do I need to create a METS SIP first? How does one do this?
7). If so, how does one ingest a METS SIP into DSpace?
8). Do one need to create a Collection for my METS/MODS XML?
9). Does the ingestion process parse the METS/MODS XML and import the 
contents of the XML into its equivalent relational database fields?
10). Advanced: How does one go beyond just METS and MODS and use DSpace 
to ingest other XML data interchange standards such as AES, METSRights 
and others?

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