
in order to use the new field as a browse index it has to be configured, too. So apart from changing

thumbnail, dc.date.issued(date), dc.title.portaria, dc.contributor.*

You got to configure the browse indices, an browse link, if wanted:

webui.browse.index.[n] = portaria:metadata:dc.title.portaria:text
webui.itemlist.sort-option.[n] = portaria:dc.title.portaria:text
webui.browse.link.[n] = portaria:dc.title.portaria

[n] indicates the next number

Furthermore you got to change your message catalogue to include the proper labels.

Hope that helps

Claudia Jürgen

Am 03.03.2010 19:37, schrieb Lucas Mocellin:
Hi folks,

I changed my search result to show "dc.title.portaria" instead of
"dc.title", but now the result is not "clickable", I mean, there is no link
in the result to show the item "page (properties, meta-datas, files

I got "some" problems with that, the item is:

Numero da Portaria: 000 Orgao Emissor: Gabinete do Reitor Data
Criacao: 12-Jan-2010
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/26 Aparece nas
if I search for "000", I get:

Data de Emissao Numero da PortariaOrgao Emissor12-Jan-2010 000
*Gabinete do Reitor*I would like this "000" to be a link for the handle

"interesting" part of my dspace.cfg:

webui.itemlist.columns = dc.date.created(date), dc.title.portaria,
* should I

Claudia Jürgen told me something about Browse Configuration, but I didn't
figure out how things work, I just noticed this part:
# (date | title | text |<other>) refers to the datatype of the field.
#                       date: the index type will be treated as a date
#                       title: the index type will be treated like a title,
which will include
#                                       a link to the item page
#                       text: the index type will be treated as plain text.
If single mode is
#                                       specified then this will link to the
full mode list
#<other>: any other datatype will be treated the same as 'text',
#                   it will apply any custom ordering normalisation
configured below

That maybe would be kind of what I need, like in another place in dspace.cfg
that I can specify dc.ELEMENT(link), this "link" I would like to reproduce
here in itemlist.columns, but it didn't work out.

itemlist.dc.title.portaria     = Numero da Portaria

Thanks in advance,


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