Hi Julio,

> Hello, We have Dspace 1.6.2 version on Oracle with sword, we have tested 
> sword with the SWORD Servlet Client (http://client.swordapp.org/client/) 
> and we get "Server returned: org.purl.sword.client.SWORDClientException: 
> Read timed out", We have checked the logs, but we havenĀ“t found any 
> sword-specific entries in the log

It might be easier to try interacting with the server manually to start with, 
to make sure it is configured and working.

There are interactions with the SWORD server:

 - GETting a Service Document
 - POSTing some content to deposit

To test the service document, point your web browser at:

 - http://your-repository.com/sword/servicedocument

You should get prompted for a username and password.  Enter your normal 
username and password (this only works with in-built authentication methods 
such as eperson password or LDAP, but not external systems such as Shibboleth). 
If SWORD is working, an xml file should be downloaded that contains a lit of 
collections into which you can deposit.

To test the deposit, you'll need a test package, and use of the curl command 
(linux or mac). For details, see:


I hope that helps,

Stuart Lewis
Digital Development Manager
Te Tumu Herenga The University of Auckland Library
Auckland Mail Centre, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph: +64 (0)9 373 7599 x81928

The modern datacenter depends on network connectivity to access resources
and provide services. The best practices for maximizing a physical server's
connectivity to a physical network are well understood - see how these
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