Dear Dspace-Tech,

This is more of a general best-practices question.

Where should new themes we develop live?
  1) "

The first is what is suggested  on the Manikin Theme Tutorial wiki

I know most things we develop on our own should probably live in the modules
directory, that way it's fairly easy to transfer them to a new DSpace
installation, or an upgrade.

I ran across a problem when using option (2) where, and I'm trying to
dynamically switch to a development theme I have in a modules directory.
Using http://<manakin-url>/search?themepath=NewTheme/  I'm able to switch to
all of the preinstalled themes (Classic, Reference, Kubrick, and Mirage) but
I'm not able to switch to any that I've created myself.

I get:
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The user specified theme path,
"NewTheme/", may be an exploit attempt. To use this feature please limit
your theme paths to only letters (a-Z), numbers(0-9), dashes(-), underscores
(_), and trailing forward slashes (/)."

Any ideas what might be going wrong?

Thank You,
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