Hi Patrick,

I'm on of the developers that uses the NetBeans IDE for all of my DSpace work.  
I'm sure there are a lot of similarities in terms of functionality that 
IntelliJ provides, but as was mentioned, the auto-complete feature for methods 
and fields in a given class can give you a lot of efficiency.  NetBeans (and 
other IDEs) also provide you with the ability to hold down Command (on a Mac, I 
imagine Ctrl on a PC) and click on a method or field and be taken directly to 
its definition in the code-base.  I find this invaluable for groking code that 
I've never worked on before (in concert with the Forward and Back navigation 
buttons).  Similarly, the "Find Usages" feature will allow you to search for a 
list of every use of a class or method, as well as any inheriting or 
implementing classes of a given class or interface.

Also, I've found the NetBeans Maven integration to be completely painless.  
Finally, WRT integration with JIRA, NetBeans does have this, and I've used it 
successfully.  http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqHowToJira

sands fish
Senior Software Engineer
MIT Libraries
Technology Research & Development

On Jan 13, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Patrick Etienne wrote:

Greetings again all, (seems I've been writing in a good bit lately)

I'm writing in again to both Techs and Devs in hopes that folks might have time 
at some point to say a little something about different aspects of their 
experience with integrating their DSpace work into various IDEs. This primarily 
comes about as a result of DS-921<https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-921> and 
the accompanying Confluence page on Tips for IDE 
 Long story short, I had no idea that the majority of DSpace committers / 
developers were using either IntelliJ or NetBeans for their IDE over Eclipse (I 
think this explains why there is so little DSpace/Eclipse documentation). My 
normal responsibilities within DSpace development at my institution primarily 
focus on either configuration management for our many DSpace instances or 
Manakin development (xslt), but I often find that I would like to be more 
knowledgable about the inner workings of DSpace and that a solid integration of 
DSpace into an IDE would facilitate this, which brings me to the point of this 
email. One of the tools I use most frequently in Eclipse is 
oXygen<http://www.oxygenxml.com/>. I'm aware that oXygen has no IntelliJ or 
NetBeans plugin, so am wondering whether those of you who use IntelliJ or 
NetBeans might be familiar with their innate capabilities in comparison to 
oXygen or if perhaps you might be aware of plugins for those IDEs that have 
similar features. The other question I have concerning IntelliJ and NetBeans is 
what experience folks might have with integration into Jira. I'm aware that 
Atlassian has plugins for both Eclipse and IntelliJ, but nothing for NetBeans.

This is not a major issue, but more of just a discussion that I believe some 
people may be interested in when people have time to write in. Any time that 
you would take to speak about your experience with these issues would be 
greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

 - Patrick E.

Patrick K. Etienne
Systems Analyst
Georgia Institute of Technology
Library & Information Center
(404) 385-8121

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