
Thank you for your response.  When I originally read about the <vocabulary 
closed="true"> in version 1.7.1 I thought it would do what I am seeking now.  
Long story short we are on a fresh install of version 1.8.1 and I went into the 
space.cfg and added the following line:
Choices.closed.dc.kentuckycorecontent.socialstudies = true
Choices.closed.dc.commoncore.socialstudies = true

I thought that this would prevent users from adding that which was not in the 
controlled vocabulary but even with this setting you can type in BLAH!!!! And 
click add and space happily adds it to the list.
At one point I thought I read that choices.closed if set to false allowed user 
inputted entries to be selected by other users.  E.g. I type in blah123 as a 
keyword and user 2 will see blah123 in the keyword list.  This could be 
incorrect as I do not recall where I read that.

Thanks again for the assistance… This should be something simple.

Matt Henry

From: Scott Thurston <<>>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 14:16:30 -0700
To: OPS Staff 
Cc: Tim Donohue <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] FW: How to limit user selection ONLY to choice drop 

Hello Matt,

I can't answer your question about changing already added values, but if you 
set "choices.closed.dc.*" to "true" in dspace.cfg, it should prevent users from 
adding values that are not in the controlled vocabulary.  For example, if the 
metadata field in question is "subject", the config parameter would be 

Scott Thurston              <>
NOAA / NGDC / WDC      
Marine Geology & Geophysics    303-497-4411 (phone)
325 Broadway E/GC3               303-497-6513 (fax)
Boulder, CO 80305-3337

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Henry, Matt - OPS District Computer 

Thank you for your response.  I greatly appreciate any assistance on this.

Unfortunately the data structure that we have is much more complex than a
drop down menu.  At the end of this e-mail is a partial example of one of
the kentucky core content standards.

An end user needs to be able to select (for example) "1: Government and
Civics" or "1:Government and Civics::1:Formation of Governments" or
"1:Government and Civics::1:Formation of
Governments::label="SS-05-1.1.1 Students will describe the basic purposes
of the U.S. Government as defined in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution
(to establish justice, to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide for the
common defense, to promote the general welfare, to secure the blessings of
liberty); give examples of services the U.S. Government provides (e.g.,
armed forces, interstate highways, national parks) and analyze the
importance of these services to citizens today."

The kentuckycorecontent file has about 250 nodes and the NWEA file has
probably over 1500 (180kb file).  A drop down list would not work for this.

Currently, using these xml files, I have it dropping down with suggestions
as they type.  I just need it to prevent an ADD command unless it is
EXACTLY any of these nodes.

Hopefully this is a feature.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node id="kentuckycorecontent-socialstudies" label="Kentucky Core
       <node id="SocialStudies" label="Social Studies">
                       <!-- 5th Grade Social Studies -->
               <node id="L3L1" label="Grade 5">
                                               <node id="L4L1" label="1: 
Government and Civics">
                                                               <node id="L5L1" 
label="1: Formation of Governments">
<node id="L6L1" label="SS-05-1.1.1      Students will describe the
basic purposes of the U.S. Government as defined in the Preamble to the
U.S. Constitution (to establish justice, to ensure domestic tranquility,
to provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare, to
secure the blessings of liberty); give examples of services the U.S.
Government provides (e.g., armed forces, interstate highways, national
parks) and analyze the importance of these services to citizens today.">
<node id="L6L2" label="SS-05-1.1.2      Students will explain and
give examples of how democratic governments function (by making, enacting
and enforcing laws) to promote the 'common good' (e.g., public smoking
ban, speed limits, seat belt requirements).">
                                                               <node id="L5L2" 
label="2: Constitutional Principles">
<node id="L6L3" label="SS-05-1.2.1      Students will identify the
three branches of the U.S. Government, explain the basic duties of each
branch (executive-enforce the laws, legislative-make the laws, judicial-
interpret the laws) and identify important national/federal
offices/leaders, (President, Vice-President, Congress, House, Senate, U.S.
Senators, U.S. Representatives, U.S. Supreme Court, judges) associated
with each branch.">
<node id="L6L4" label="SS-05-1.2.2      Students will explain why the
framers of the Constitution felt it was important to establish a
government where powers are shared across different levels (local, state,
national/federal) and branches (executive, legislative, judicial).">

On 1/27/12 11:23 AM, "Tim Donohue" 
<<>> wrote:

>Hi Matt,
>If you just want to have a dropdown of values available, then you might
>find it easier to just configure a dropdown (and its possible values)
>via the [dspace]/config/input-forms.xml' configuration file.
>Documentation is available at:
>As an example, you can look at how the "dc.type" field is configured as
>a "dropdown" in the 'input-forms.xml' file by default.  It's set of
>possible values is defined in that same config file, under the
>"<form-value-pairs>" section (look for the <value-pairs> with the name
>I hope that helps!
>- Tim
>On 1/27/2012 7:14 AM, Henry, Matt - OPS District Computer Technician
>> Hello,
>> I work for a city school district. My objective is to implement Dspace
>> as a repository for teacher lesson plans. The meta data has been
>> modified to reflect the current standards that are in use. We have
>> created several controlled vocabularies for this purpose.
>> I am currently having a difficult time allowing the end user to select a
>> standard and not be allowed to change that standard and not be allowed
>> to type in and add any value.
>> I have read through the documentation over Authority Control (located
>> here:
>> several times.
>> Currently the only selection method that works is the suggest method.
>> Lookup fails miserably and with authority control enabled it gives a
>> green thumb up icon for anything selected (even if it is manually
>> Is this functionality currently available? We are wanting to use the
>> XMLUI webapp. Please point me in the right direction; examples are also
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Thank You,
>> Matt Henry
>> District Technician
>> Owensboro Public Schools
>> Owensboro, KY
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