Hi Sue,

first, I admit I never tried to actually modify values of these fields
using batch metadata editor (BME). But I just checked
dc.date.accessioned, dc.date.available and dc.description.provenance
on an item which was created using BME and later a metadata value of
the same item was modified using BME. All fields have only a single
value and have the earlier date. This is on DSpace 1.8.2, can you
confirm it on a testing server? In the past, I remember I encountered
multiple values of the provenance field, but it was probably in 1.6.2
and not using BME, but item importer.

Just a sidenote - these values are actually ignored by BME by default
_during export_. See ignore-on-export in bulkedit.cfg. I don't know
what happens when you try to import them.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Thornton, Susan M. (LARC-B702)[LITES]
<susan.m.thorn...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> but wouldn’t I have to run index-update or index-init afterward if I used a
> SQL query to update the metadatavalue table?

You have to run index-update when you add/remove a metadata value.
index-init has to be run only when you add/remove a metadata field.


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