
We've been on and off battling with excessive XMLUI caching in our 
DSpace environment.  It seems the server-side issue is less rampant 
since 1.8.x introduced the ability to clear the Cocoon cache from the 
Control Panel.  Now we're attempting to solve the client-side caching 
issue, and I'd like to know what settings other people are using.  Our 
environment uses Apache httpd in front of Tomcat, so we put this in our 
DSpace virtual host:

     ### See:
     # Turn on Expires and set default to 1
     <IfModule mod_expires.c>
         ExpiresActive On
         ExpiresDefault A1

I'm wondering if "Access +1 second" is a bit overzealous.  Perhaps we 
should be using the modification time of the file (CSS or GIF, for 
example).  What are you guys using?


Alan Orth
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