Dear Community,

How can I resolve the issue of searching strings that have special characters 
like spanish language. I am using Dspace 3.2, Postgresql 9.3, tomcat 7 and Red 
Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4.  Also I configured the Discovery service.

I configure the Postgresql as es_CR.utf8 and I send the metadata in Spanish 
(ej. Taxonomía) and save right. The subject index is OK, but if I use any of 
these words, the search didn't return results because the used word is not well 
spelled . Example the word used is "Taxonomía", and the return search word is 
"Taxonomía" with no hits.

Can you help me?


Ing. Oscar Sánchez G., MAE
Profesional en TI
Biblioteca José Figueres Ferrer
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
*  Tel: 2550-2135
7   Fax: 2591-4820
*  Apdo Postal:  159-7050

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