Hi all,

I'm having a problem setting up DSpace 3.2 with Oracle. I'm a Maven and Oracle 
novice, so I apologize if this has an easy answer.

I've followed the instructions from 
https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSDOC3x/Installation: I've prepared the 
Oracle database, installed the ojdc6.jar file (downloaded fresh from the Oracle 
website), and updated [dspace-src]/pom.xml. However, when I run `mvn package` 
in [dspace-src]/dspace the Oracle driver is not installed into 
[dspace-src]/dspace/target/dspace-3.2-build/lib. When I run `ant fresh_install` 
I run into the issue described here (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 

If I copy the Oracle driver file directly from the Maven local repository (in 
my case, 
into [dspace-src]/dspace/target/dspace-3.2-build/lib, I can run `ant 
fresh_install` successfully. However, I then run into the same missing Oracle 
driver issue for XMLUI. If I copy the Oracle driver file into the XMLUI 
WEB-INF/lib directory, everything works fine (I can browse DSpace on XMLUI). 
However, I shouldn't have to do this manual copying, right?

When I run `mvn dependency:tree` in [dspace-src]/dspace, I don't see any 
reference to the Oracle driver, which suggests that this dependency is not 
recognized for some reason. However, I definitely have the following lines in 


I've made no other changes to [dspace-src]/pom.xml. Am I missing something? 
Does anyone with an Oracle setup have any suggestions?

Thanks so much,

Jacob Brown

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