Another option maybe to install Zentyal:

*Hilton Gibson*
Ubuntu Linux Systems Administrator
JS Gericke Library
Room 1025D
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X5036
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hilton Gibson <>
Date: 8 February 2014 12:07
Subject: Define a new asset store
To: dspace-tech <>

Hi all

This is a quick message from my phone.
I wil create a help page on our wiki later.
This help assumes you are using an Ubuntu 12.04 server.

1. After attaching a new hard drive to the server you need to map it to the
file system. To determine the hardware name for the drive type "sudo fdisk
-l". This will list all the hard drives.

2. Normally the drive hardware name is: "/dev/sdX".

3. The next parameter needed is the file system mount point to attach the
drive to. Assuming DSpace is installed in "/home/dspace", then create a
folder for the mount point as follows: "mkdir /home/dspace/assetstore/two".

3. Now create the mapping between the hard drive and the file system using
the file: "/etc/fstab"

With the fstab you can define who owns the mapped drive.

For help with fstab, type: "man fstab" in a terminal.

For help with manual partitioning, search google for: "ubuntu server manual
partitioning" and search for help about fstab and mount permissions.

Once you defined the mount correctly in /etc/fstab, then type "mount" to
actually attach the hard drive to the file system.

You will also need to create partitions and format the drive with an
adequate file system before the mounting. Usually the mkfs.ext4 command is
used to do this. For example: sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4.

Basically search google for info about adding a new hard drive to your


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