we have Dspace 4.2 on Windows 2012 R2 and we tried to run the handle server 
(with the command >c:\dspace bin\dspace dsrun net.handle.server.Main 
c:\dspace\handle-server<) but it starts and then just immediately shuts down...

Error output:

"2014/09/04 09:06:18 CEST" 25 Started new run.
"2014/09/04 09:06:18 CEST" 50 unspecified max_handlers count, using
default: 200
"2014/09/04 09:06:18 CEST" 50 unspecified max_handlers count, using
default: 200
"2014/09/04 09:06:18 CEST" 50 unspecified max_handlers count, using
default: 200 Saving global values to:
"2014/09/04 09:06:19 CEST" 25 Shutting down server at Thu Sep 04
09:06:19 CEST 2014
"2014/09/04 09:06:19 CEST" 75 class
net.handle.server.HdlTcpInterface: Error handling request:
 java.net.SocketException: socket closed
"2014/09/04 09:06:19 CEST" 75 class
net.handle.server.HdlHttpInterface: Error handling request:
 java.net.SocketException: socket closed
java.net.SocketException: socket closed

We've already been in contact with the people at Handle System so we asked them 
about it and they suggested we use the command:

>java -Xmx256m -cp "c:\dspace\lib\*;c:\dspace\config" 
>-Dlog4j.configuration=log4j-handle-plugin.properties net.handle.server.Main 

That command worked and the server successfully started...

I just wanted to ask if we've used the wrong dspace command in the first place 
or maybe that's a Dspace bug on windows...?
Best regards,

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