Hi Helix,

I think the problem is that I messed up my first branch and merged it 
with the master. Because I am allways doing this:

1. git checkout master
2. git fetch upstream
3. git branch DS-X
4. git checkout DS-X
5. make changes
6. git commit
7. git push origin

or is the problem that I do git fetch upstream instead of git pull 
upstream master?

I am going to include more information about the bugs and what the fixes 
are doing.


Am 12.01.2015 um 15:20 schrieb helix84:
> Hi Christian,
> I'm looking at your PRs. Don't worry that they're not perfect, the
> important thing is that the code is out there. We can take an
> individual commit (git cherry-pick) from it. I was thinking what might
> have gone wrong on your end and my guess is that you're not starting
> from the master branch. Before you create a new branch, make sure to
> checkout master (git checkout master) and update it (git pull upstream
> master). Then you can create a new branch, which can be used as a
> source for PR that will contain only the relevant commit(s).
> I also looked briefly at the bugs. It would help to include more
> detail about the problem so that the fixes can be quickly tested. It
> will help to include detailed steps to reproduce, expected and actual
> behaviour.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
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> https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Mailing+List+Etiquette

Christian Scheible
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