Hi All,

If you were unable to attend the DSpace Interest Group sessions at 
either OR15 (in Indianapolis last week) or OAI9 (in Geneva yesterday), 
you may have heard some talk on Twitter and mailing lists about the 
DSpace Technology Roadmap (for 2015-2016) which was presented at those 

The video of this Roadmap talk (~25 minutes) is now available on YouTube:


The slides are available at:


The Roadmap itself is publicly documented on the Wiki at:


If you are interested in where DSpace is going in the next few years, 
I'd highly recommend reviewing the Roadmap and providing us with any 
feedback you may have. Feedback can be provided (anonymously if you 
wish) at http://tinyurl.com/dspacefeedback2015 or via the #dspaceplan 
hashtag on Twitter.

We are also still actively looking for institutions to participate in 
the Roadmap by donating (part-time) developers to the cause or joining 
as a DuraSpace Member (http://duraspace.org/become_a_member).

Please get in touch, if you are interested in a more active role. Your 
institution will be recognized for your efforts, and your developer(s) 
may end up being nominated as future DSpace Committers.

If there are any questions regarding the RoadMap or the Strategic Plan, 
I'm happy to answer them on or off list.


Tim Donohue
Technical Lead for DSpace & DSpaceDirect
DuraSpace.org | DSpace.org | DSpaceDirect.org

DSpace-tech mailing list
List Etiquette: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Mailing+List+Etiquette

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