I wouldn't doubt that at least *some* of those complaining about the high
use of the system connected to the reflector would prefer to have a nice,
quiet radio to listen to until someone called them.

With D-STAR, we have that capability built into the system already; it's
called callsign squelch (DSQL). Users can enable callsign squelch, and their
radios will remain silent until someone calls them directly, by putting the
call of the person they wish to contact in the UR call slot of their radios.

As for those who want to only hear D-STAR tech-type of conversations, maybe
the users on those systems could designate a particular digital code squelch
(CSQL) to be used for only that type of discussion. (Not really practical,
but easily done with the technology already built into the system! Just some
food for thought for the "complainers".)

Stephen, WR9A

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