Steve S. Bosshard (NU5D) wrote:
> The lag is not at the local end. Say you move from Module C to Module
> B, and I have my UrCall=WY0X. The lag is in how long it takes your
> gateway to tell mine where you have moved to. 

I understand this, but the recent patch description said that if a user 
moved from say module B to module C, the local Gateway will keep track 
of that locally and route incoming calls from any module (or the 
Gateway) appropriately, virtually instantly... even if the far Gateway 
sent the call to module B, it would actually go out module C.

Unless I read the patch notes wrong... I got the impression the local 
Gateway is now "in charge" of the final route, and the update sent back 
didn't matter now?

I probably read it wrong -- but I thought basically this change would 
alleviate most of the "lag", by putting a local database table "in 
charge" of routing the local callsigns...

Nate WY0X

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