There's been some chatter about this, and many of us old-timers have posted 
that it shouldn't work but enough folks have posted it does that it makes me 

I don't remember for sure, but when the JA gateways first appeared in the 
database, I'm pretty sure individual JA users did not, but now they do, many 
with JA area and zone callsigns.  Thus one possibility is that this info has 
somehow been dumped into the international gateway db and thus provides 
one-touch callsign routing information to get dv streams from us to them.  

At least two of the j-landers claimed to have been worked with one-touch 
replying are currently homed to wb4hro.  A second possibility then is that the 
wb4hro gateway (custom?) software (or dplus on that machine) is somehow 
providing a "worm-hole" to j-land.  I can't think of why else they would be 
homed there.

73 -- John

--- In, "n0so" <n...@...> wrote:
> I had a nice QSO with JA7NJN (Yoh) while mobile one day last week. The 
> "One-Touch Reply" (R>CS) on my 2820 worked OK for me.  
> Yoh has instructions on his QRZ web page for replying to Japan stations. They 
> include the "One-Touch"  method.
> Give it a try!
> 73,
> Mike, N0SO
> --- In, "Y.Kawabe" <tiaradxer@> wrote:
> >
> > We found out gBest and Easy Wayh to reply from U.S. and EU, when you 
> > received "CQ" Call from Japan via D-Star Gateway.
> > Just push "One-Touch Reply" button of your transceiver and capture the call 
> > sign
> > Ex.
> > 2820 push  [R>CS]
> > 91AD push [RX-CS]
> > However, this is an effective method only to the answer of the station in 
> > the U.S. and EU to Japan. Please try once.
> > 73 de JF1TEU
> >

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