> > I have a WRT52GS (Firmware Version: v4.71.1, 

I don't believe Linksys made a WRT52GS. You probably have a WRT54GS.

> As for the WRT52GS device:  will it allow you to 
> set the net mask on the trusted side to /8?
> That is:
> A lot of the inexpensive home/consumer firewall
> routers don't (properly) support the
> network you need on the trusted ports.

I doubt Hyperwrt supports this, but it's possible.  However, the dd-wrt 
firmware does and that is what almost all of us using Linksys routers on our 
gateways have loaded.  Since you were familiar with Hyperwrt, you may already 
be familiar with dd-wrt.  How you load dd-wrt on a WRT54GS depends on the 
HARDWARE version (check the bottom label).  Click on WRT54GS in the list at the 
top of the http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices page.  You 
only need the "mini" version to run the ICOM gateway, not the "full" or any 
other variants.

73 -- John

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