On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 16:33 -0500, Colin Burgess wrote: 
> I see Intel has released a new tool.  Oh, it requires some patches to 
> the kernel to record
> latency times.  Good thing people don't mind patching their kernels, eh?
> So who can write the equivalent latencytop.d the fastest? ;-)
> http://www.latencytop.org/

What I find interesting about these projects that Intel
spawns for Linux (PowerTOP, LatencyTOP and couple of others)
is that regardless of internal implementation they are
very useful end user tools. Here at Sun we seem to be
missing interest in creating such things. Which is a bit of a 
shame. They are ideal vehicles for disseminating DTrace
knowledge and exposing neophytes to the raw power of DTrace.

To be fair Greg's DTrace toolkit helps in that respect, but
still it sets the bar pretty high for anybody who would
like to use it.

It is easy to poke fun at LatencyTOP, but asking the right
question could sometimes be even more important than
being able to deliver the answer.

Just my 2c.


P.S. I was able to extend the battery time of my Linux laptop
1.5x using PowerTOP. Can the same thing be done with DTrace?
Perhaps it can, but I don't think I can code it up.

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