Alessio Sangalli wrote:
A E Lawrence wrote:

It looks as if you have been caught by Pioneer or rather the
manufacturers' of expensive media :-(

 From what one gathers, the firmware in the 105 and also the latest
updates for the 104 (don't upgrade beyond 1.32, 104 and A04 owners), are
designed to refuse to write on cheap media even when it gives perfect

I don't really think so because I'm able to write DVDs with the patched version of cdrecord, without any kind of problems. From what I've heard the firmware situation is the exact opposite: with the newer (unofficial) firmwares you can even write at 2x on 1x media!!! That's great.
This is on the budget media from Princo and Bulkpaq (also Princo, AFAIU), etc? If so that is great. But I thought that you were reporting problems mentioned in those reviews I mentioned? Do you have URLs for the unofficial versions of the firmware?

Which means that we have stop buying Pioneer drives until they change
this policy. I was just about to order a 105 drive, but happened

The pioneer drives are referred as the most 'compatible' ones. You can be quite sure that you dvd will be read on any computer and even stand=alone dvd players and ps2 etc etc. This is surely not true with dvd+r media, which is going to die in the next few months.
Well, I am perfectly happy with DVD-R and DVD-RW for my own uses and am happy with my Pioneer 104. But I doubt that DVD+R family will die quite that soon especially with all the investment from big companies behind it.

But the Sony DRU-500A must surely be the most compatible drive around right now if what sound like teething problems are sorted out. For my own use, I would probably go for the Pioneer 105 as a lower price provided it can handle the budget media and dvdrtools can drive it. which leads on to:-

The only thing I can say is that there is a problem with dvdrtools, I would be glad to help to solve it. Using the pathched version of cdrecord gives perfect results.
Could you explain which patched cdrecord? Thanks,


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