Dwm makes you understand what a wm is. Dwm is simple, practical,
extremely fast and easy to use (with some hint). Dwm is pocket-sized
and fashionable. Dwm is C and **** the rest.

But I bet someone uses it 'cause it reminds ppl about those good ol'
days. Dwm is the best. God save Dwm and Garbe.

... * yawhn *



2009/2/18 Dusan <ef_...@yahoo.com>:
> It's C and I finally can understand what I do with window manager. You
> should see me modifying xmonad and coding in haskell :(
> Could not understand half of the stuff I pasted there.
> On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 17:37 -0600, Neale Pickett wrote:
> On 2/17/2009, "I. Khider" <cont...@ikhider.com> wrote:
>>I will say this, I love DWM though I do not completely understand it
>>yet. It makes me feel like a man.
> Bwahahaha.  Sometimes I wonder if that's the real reason any of us use
> it.
> Neale "Chest Beatin'" Pickett

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