Doesn't Alt+Left mouse button drags for move, and Alt+Right mouse
button drags for resize work? I haven't seen any X window which won't
resize using this.

Kind regards,

2009/2/28 I. Khider <>:
> Greeting fellow DWM users
> I noticed with certain applications like Gimp, k3b, etc. it is very
> difficult to maximize a work screen--I have yet to figure it out. Also for
> Gimp, I have tried to move my tools applications around the workspace and
> apart from toggling between them, I canot move them around.
> I tried the man page and to google the problem and IRC on some channels but
> nobody knows, hence my appeal to you. Perhaps someone knows of a document I
> could consult to get on my way?
> Thank you in advance for your patience.
> -I-


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