On Sat, 16 May 2009 03:31:24 +0200
pancake <panc...@youterm.com> wrote:

> I like perl but I agree but it is big for most of uses, but is fast  
> and powerful. I would prefer to use nqp or miniperl which are
> minimal versions of p5 and p6 compiled at build time to compile
> itself and do some processing stuff that makes the build process more
> handful and controllable than using make.
> It is a huge sw, but miniperl is cool :)

I don't give a toss about the size of software. Perl is a crappy
language, that is why I don't like it.

With all minimalistic softwares you have to offer features. However, by
time more and more features needs to be added due to that they are

Anyway, it is not the size that matters, but rather how the software
helps you do your job. 

As to Ubuntu, you can say what you like, but at least for me the
maintenance time reduced dramatically after going from Debian to
Ubuntu on the 5-6 machines I maintain. And that is something I
appreciate, not how small space I can get a distribution to use...

Besides, making a big comples software in a low level programming
language is not the Thing To Do[tm] unless you plan to write and forget.

Preben Randhol

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