Well. I'm setting here at 333 and I have "no likely chance" of getting the last 2 before I croak.
But then, I remember when it was "no likely chance" that I would get Albania or North Korea.
Heck, I remember when it was doubtful that we would have a shot at China. In the meantime there are still some  countries I don't have on the WARC bands and most of them are pretty easy. That and
PSK 31 provide some interesting stuff whilleI am waiting. I just hope its not too long. I quit buying green bananas.
Bill W5EC
>Well, for what it is worth here is my thoughts.  I am sitting at 325 and of the 10 I have >left, several (3 or 4) have "no likely chance" of operations.  Why keep them on the

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