This is what i copied from the site  The basic fee for a QSL record issued for award credit will be $ 0.25 (USD 0.25). Quantity discounts will apply depending on number of credits purchased.

Credits can be purchased according to the following table. Credits may be purchased at any time and in any price category. You may purchase any number of credits at the same

now for me  .25 c to 80c is still a bargan but what you don't understand is that i have to save for the 80c for one card disired. If i uploaded my log I wouldn't eat for a month or 3. Maybe i don't understand  the system which is very possible but the original email was compareing Eqsl to LOTW why one works with donations from someone who has money and my understanding of LOTW (ARRL) who charges to upload. This is my problem with it  if you can tell me that i can upload for free but still not be able to use it or get a card or tell me how it would work for me( gee you think the ARRL would be willing help a disabled fixed income person who plays radio all day well not all:-)) Now sir that is whineing but come live in my world for a week or a month and you would understand.But as a final if you can tell me how to use LOTW and it is free that would be great I have 3 band DXCC 10 15 20  6m WAS WAC VUCC i can't afford ARRL fees and I've only been a ham for ten yrs and i don't think that to bad


Ron Notarius wrote:
Oh?  It costs money to upload to Logbook?  Gee, someone better tell the
League to send me a bill...


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