Peter, you make a good point.

Regarding 3Y0X, I think it probably goes to show that the raw skill of
the operators at pileup handling is much more important than any
subtle variations in technique.  I certainly had a lot easier time
getting through to them (3 bands) than to KH8SI (zero bands).

Actually, I felt a little silly later on in the 3Y0X operation,
because I duped them on 30m (as per their request when the log wasn't
working) because the first contact was a bit questionable, and so in
the first few days of the operation I fought through the 30m pileup
twice with my little invisible doublet and 100W, only to have them
begging for contacts by the end of the operation.  Even when the
pileup was enormous, though, I knew there would be some way to get
through.  The rate was good, the ops were predictable and in control.

I *think* they were working by numbers on 40M SSB when I got them but
I don't remember for sure.  I feel like I just happened to tune to
them to see how their SSB sig compared to CW and they were on 2's so I
figured I'd dump my call in when the 3's came around.  I almost fell
off my seat when they came back, I usually don't even consider 40M SSB
a useful DX band-mode given my antenna and power, but after the
contact was over I listened on my TX frequency and only a handful were

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