Hi Folks,
Seems the 706 gets the worst reviews, and the data on the elecraft web page 
concurs. This is valuable info as we were considering a 706 as the 6 
meter/beacon rig, but sounds like it is not a very good choice.
The K3 was recommended often, but no one mentioned any actual experience, but 
the data looks the best. We will likely have at least one K3, as one op 
mentioned possibly purchasing one for the trip, but yes, they are expensive, 
especially if you get into the ATU and other options.
The other choice seems to be the IC-7000. I know this has been used by several 
major expeditions. Cheaper than the K3, and hopefully not with the same 
troubles as the 706.
No mention of any Kenwoods, other than a big negative on the TS-50. So not sure 
how the 570/480 class rank, but certainly not as good as the K3.
There are probably other larger radios better suited, but weight limitations 
make the 8 lb class radios the ones of choice.
Thanks for the input. 
Duane, WV2B

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."- 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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