On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

A very interesting document.

I noticed that one item appeared to be missing... when the first complaints
surfaced, one of the "charges" was that of possibly illegal entry to FJ via
a privately chartered boat, as I recall.  No mention of that in the letter.
As a certain fictional television character used to say, "Fascinating."

The charge over the alleged misuse of the club callsign for the DXpedition
is probably the most serious complaint.  But as meticulous as Martti usually
is on planning his jaunts, I find it hard to believe that this detail was
overlooked.  And, of course, nobody's perfect, so it may have been a true
oversight on his part.

I wondered about that myself.  As you said, "Fascinating!"

But... was a license issued, and if so, what call was on it?  If FJ/OH2AM
was on the license -- does that make the operation invalid?  I'm sure that's
one of the things the DXAC and DXCC desk will get to iron out, a task I
don't envy them.

I was under the impression that as a CEPT country, anyone from another CEPT country could just go there and operate. I could just go and operate as FJ/W9SZ. The main contention seems to be now about the callsign used after the "FJ/".

Having said that... I've got to tell you, gang, that this is one of a string
of disturbing precedents that we've seen over the last few years.  Sort of a
DX'ing version of NIMBY.  Recall all the complaints from the HP hams over
the H8A trip a few years back, for one (specifically over the actual call on
the license)?  And there have been others along the same lines, which many
of you know much more about than I ever will.

I can't blame some of the resident FJ hams from feeling that their triumph
got trumped, that their own plans to "inaugurate" the new entity in their
own way got pulled out from under them.  Under similar circumstances, I
might feel the same way.  But whatever happened (I ask rhetorically) to good

73, ron w3wn

So where are they? Why aren't they doing a similar operation when they know how much in demand the entity still is?

73, Zack W9SZ

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