You are RIGHT ON Ward !

Personally, I think Incentive Licensing was a disservice to Amateur Radio.
I attained FULL operating privileges at age 12 when I passed my General
Class Amateur Radio Exam and I think I turned out OK.

One of my (now famous) protege's was handicapped by not (yet) being able 
to operate in the Extra Class CW Band-segments in spite of the fact that he
could copy 40 WPM (or more) at his young age.  What purpose was being 
served by prohibiting this VERY capable CW operator from operating in
the Extra Classs Band Segments?

I found it VERY interesting that after ARRL created the CW DXCC Award,
many of the staunch Phone Only DXers in our club took up the chase on CW.  
It worked MUCH better than all the harranging about incentive licensing!

As far as FD is concerned, I think a 2 to 1 point advantage for CW is enough.
If that doesn't create enough incentive, then I don't expect a higher number
would have any more impact.

Tom  N4KG

In a message dated 8/18/03 9:49:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Well, gents, we can all sit around and harrumph about how everything's 
 to hell in a handbasket or we can DO something about it.
 Think.  Instead of treating CW as some kind of advanced hazing technique to
 make sure the freshmen understand that we upperclassmen run the show, why
 not make it attractive to learn and use CW?  Once prospective licensees are
 not beaten about the head and shoulders with the Morse requirement, it might
 be that they could take a more positive view of the mode.   If someone MADE
 you demonstrate, say, SSTV capability would you immediately embrace it?
 Every one of those dolts getting a letter from Riley for HF infractions
 passed the Morse test, you know.
 Think. Why not offer award programs for demonstrating Morse proficiency?
 How about really pushing the Morse proficiency endorsements?  Weight the CW
 QSOs even higher for Field Day - the world's largest ham radio event.  Get
 your state QSO party to double the value of every CW QSO.  Publicize QRP
 organizations and techniques - those guys are incredibly active.  Go
 someplace rare and put it on CW-only.  Show others why CW is cool and fun.
 Think. Let's come up with the kind of exam and licensing structure we think
 would really act to qualify a licensee.  Questions on procedures and real
 use of equipment.  Why not require evidence of 100 on-the-air QSOs to make
 General?  Give the entry-level licensee full frequency privileges, but a
 limit of 100-watts - don't keep them in ghettos where the upperclassmen
 never tune.  It's not 1959 anymore with hordes of teenagers building 50-watt
 crystal controlled transmitters - the new hams need to mingle with us old
 guys. The hobby badly needs Elmers and helping hands extended to newcomers,
 not a poisonous group of bitter veterans dishing out hostility.
 Look at it this way - you're going to be a role model, you have no choice
 about it.  You do get to choose what kind of role model you'd like to be,
 however.  As many have noted, with every transmission (and now email) you
 are advertising.  If a new ham or someone thinking about getting into ham
 radio read your latest post or listened to your last QSO, would it make them
 a better ham or want to learn CW?
 73, Ward N0AX
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