Hello ...

Jerry you are completely right if you are only collecting DXCC entities (no 
matter which mode and/or band), but many active DXers and I really think most 
of us are collecting different modes and bands...so Paul's idea is not bad but 
it takes a lot of time and i am missing the meaningful order for all my 
non-needed DXCC (i need only KP1 and KP5 MIXED)...

the question which gives us a "meaningful order" should be: "in which modes and 
on which band do you need a certain DXCC"...for example: we all know that Yemen 
and North Korea are rare but for expeditions especially interesting is the 
information on which bands a certain entity is more needed...a simple example: 
i do not need ZS8MI for MIXED but i have only one 17 SSB QSO ..so i would love 
to work ZS8MI in CW/RTTY and of course on all HF bands except 17 M..so I think 
Paul's idea is not bad but the "meaningful order" should be no guess but the 
question "in which modes and on which bands a certain DXCC is still needed"..if 
the question is: on how many bands and modes have you worked the following DXCC 
(following a list complete list of all DXCC) DXpeditions would get a much more 
better base for decisions than at the present time...i know it takes time but 
it is our hobby...

very 73 de Markus, DL9RCF / K9RCF    


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bill Hawkins 
  Cc: dx-news@njdxa.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 7:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] DX Most Wanted Survey

  There is no meaningful order if you don't need them!
  Bill W5EC

    I agree with Jim.  I need only 3 and it would take me much more than 90 
seconds to list another 98 in any meaningful order.  The survey ought to permit 
entering only those which one needs.

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