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15 September 2007                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 854
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

1A     - The Sovereing Order of Malta will  be activated by an  international
         team during the week of the CQ WW  DX SSB Contest. This will be  the
         first time for  SMOM to  be aired  during a  major contest.  Further
         information will be available at http://www.1a4a.org/ [TNX IZ4AKS]
FO     - Freddy, F5IRO left Paris on 12  September for a 4-month  assignement
         in Papeete (OC-046), French Polynesia. He plans to be active in  his
         spare time  as FO5RU  (or FO/F5IRO,  while  waiting to  collect  his
         licence) on all HF bands CW, SSB and RTTY. Side trips to other  IOTA
         groups are possibile. QSL via F5CQ,  direct or bureau. Logs will  be
         available  at  http://www.f5cq.net/dxp/2007-FO5RU/fo5ru-fr.htm  [TNX
HR     - HQ8R is  the callsign  issued to  the upcoming  operation from  Swan
         Island (NA-035) [425DXN  851]. The team  now includes K8LEE,  W8GEX,
         K2BB, KB2PDW  and HR2J.  They will  depart on  on 23  September  and
         return to the mainland on the 28th. [TNX The Daily DX]
HS     - Eric, SM1TDE is now living  on Phuket Island  (AS-053) and has  been
         issued the  callsign  HS0ZHR.  He  expects  to  participate  in  the
         Scandinavian Activity  Contest CW.  QSL  via home  call,  preferably
         through the bureau. Mail sent to his address is Sweden (P.O. Box 94,
         SE-62321 Ljugarn) will  be forwarded to  Thailand by Eric's  father,
         but it might take some time before you get a reply. [TNX SM1TDE]
OJ0    - The August 2007 OJ0B outing to Market Reef was designed to  decorate
         the lighthouse with powerful  antennas that can  only be hoisted  in
         good weather conditions. The newly composed  group of OH0RJ,  OH2BH,
         OH2MM, OH2PM, OH7EA and OH8NC are  at it again and  they plan to  be
         operational  from  15  September  until  the  24th,  including  both
         Scandinavian Activity  Contests, with  three stations.  Outside  the
         contest expect OJ0B to operate on  3523, 7023, 10113, 14033,  18083,
         21033, 24903  and 28033  KHz CW;  3775, 7075,  14175, 18135,  21275,
         24960 and 28475 KHz  SSB. If you  are a stamp  collector or wish  to
         receive your QSL card with unique  Market Reef stamps, you may  send
         an SASE  with 7  Euros  (10 USD)  as  your postage/donation  to  the
         Finnish  Lighthouse  Society  (http://www.lighthousesociety.fi/eng/)
         via the QSL manager, OH2BH. [TNX OH2BN]
OZ     - Bernd, DL8AAV  will  be active  as  OZ/DL8AAV/p  from  Laeso  Island
         (EU-088) on 17-29 September.  QSL via home  call, direct or  bureau.
         [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
OZ     - Lutz/DL3ARK and Peter/DL4AMK will be active as OZ/homecall from  Hov
         Lighthouse (ARLHS DEN-035) on Langeland  Island (EU-172, DIA  FY-19)
         on 22-29  September.  OZ/DL3ARK will  be  QRV  in  the  Scandinavian
         Activity Contest (SSB).  QSL via homecalls,  direct or bureau.  [TNX
P2     - P29VLR is the callsign issued to CT1AGF for the IOTA operations from
         Papua New Guinea [425DXN 853].  This is the  call he, SM6CVX,  G3KHZ
         and G4EDG  will be  using from  Kilinalau Island  (OC-256), if  they
         manage to operate from there (indicatively from 8 October for  three
         days). QSL P29VLR  via SM6CVX. The  other callsigns  will be  P29VCX
         (QSL via SM6CVX) from  OC-284 starting around  25 October and  P29NI
         (QSL  via  G3KHZ)  from  OC-283  starting  around  2  October.  [TNX
TF     - Look for TF/G3SXW and TF/G4IRN to operate CW only 40-12 metres  from
         Iceland (EU-021) on 21-23 September. QSL  via home calls. Logs  will
         be uploaded to LotW.
TK     - Heinz, DF6ZY will  be active as  TK/DF6ZY from  Corsica (EU-014)  on
         15-28 September. He  plans to operate  on 10-80  metres mostly  RTTY
         (SSB and SSTV on request). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX
W      - The Anaheim Police ARC (W6APD) will operate (on 21350, 18150,  14253
         and 7250 kHz SSB and 14071.5 kHz PSK) as K6P on 19-22  September for
         the POW-MIA Remembrance Day. QSL via KM6HB. [TNX KM6HB]
YK     - RAAG  president  Manos  Darkadakis,  SV1IW  and  other  seven  Greek
         operators (namely  SV1ACK, SV1GYG,  SV1JG, SV1QN,  SV1RC, SV1RP  and
         SV8CS) will be active as YK9SV from Arwad Island (AS-186, new  one),
         Syria for ten days between 1  and 15 November. They plan to  operate
         CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK on all of the  HF bands plus 6 metres with  at
         least  two  stations  running  around  the  clock.  QSL  via  SV1JG.
         Donations are being  sought; please visit  http://www.raag.org/arwad
         for further information. [TNX SV1IW]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B7C ---> John, G3WGV collects the  information from the team on St.  Brandon
and publishes it in a diary form on the DXpedition's website. Read the latest
news   on   http://www.3b7c.com/news.htm   and   send   your   feedback    to

7U5CI ---> Log search and pictures for the IOTA operation from Grand  Cavallo
Island (AF-104) are available at http://www.om1kw.com/7u5ci/ [TNX 4X4-2238]

DX MAGAZINE MOST  WANTED SURVEY  ---> The  DX Magazine's  annual Most  Wanted
Survey is  being  conducted  now  through 15  October.  The  survey  form  is
available at http://www.dxpub.com/dx_survey2007.html

OJ0B ---> If you wish to tour Market Reef in the spirit of adventure, you may
follow in the footsteps of the August 2007 and November 2005 OJ0B activities:
http://sm0w.com and www.kolumbus.fi/oh2bn/pagemarket.htm [TNX OH2BN]

ROCKALL 2008  --->  The previously  announced  expedition to  Rockall  Island
(EU-189) [425DXN 851] has been cancelled. "It's with heavy heart I've decided
to call an end to anymore planning for Rockall - it's just too risky overall,
physically and  economically",  Colin,  MM0NDX  says.  Read  the  details  at

SAC 2007 ---> Contest Club Finland and SRAL as arranging societies invite all
amateur radio  operators to  participate in  the 49th  Scandinavian  Activity
Contest. It will take place on 15-16 September (CW, from to 12 UTC through 12
UTC) and 22-23 September (SSB, from to 12 UTC through 12 UTC). Full rules  at

VK4JCF (OC-138) --->  "Unfortunately, judging from  the several direct  cards
received by me  by 10 September  2007, it appears  that at  least one  pirate
operated signing VK4JCF on 1 and  2 September", Nobi,  JA1JCF says, and  adds
that he was off the air  between 08.40-10.20 UTC on  1 September and  between
10.50-11.50 UTC on the 2nd. Noby operated CW only, except for two QSOs in the
All Asian contest. In case of doubt, feel free to e-mail Nobi before  sending
your QSL  card  (please  use  the e-mail  address  shown  at  qrz.com).  [TNX

YW5AS ---> The story of the recent operation from Aves de Sotavento (SA-051),
along    with     several    nice     pictures,    can     be    found     at
http://www.hfdx.com/Aves_Sotavento/sotavento_en1.html [TNX 4X4-2238]

+ SILENT  KEY  +  Osten  Magnusson, SM5DQC  passed  away  unexpectedly  on  6
September, at 66 years of  age. One of  the most active  DXers in Sweden,  "a
gentleman and a DX scholar" (VE1AL), Osten was also the QSL manager for 9Q1TB
and 9Q1EK.

+ SILENT  KEY  +  Laimonis  Stepans, YL2PQ  passed  away  unexpectedly  on  8
September. He was 63 years old  and was very active  in major contests.  [TNX

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         * QSL  ROUTES & ADDRESSES *
                          Edited by  IK1ADH & I1JQJ
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B7C        G3NUG       AN0EB       EA4RCH      OX3XR       OZ3PZ
3B7C       BRS32525 [a] AN4EB       EA4RCH      P41USA      W3TEF
3Z0MK       SP7QHR      AN5EB       EA4RCH      PA1000ZTM   PI4RAZ
3Z0MSPO     SP7PKI      AN6EB       EA4RCH      PA100S      PD0PVQ
4X1VF       K1FJ        AN7EB       EA4RCH      PA400MAR    PA3HFJ
5H0RS       IT9YVO      AP2TN       DJ9ZB       R1AND       RU1ZC
5H3EYE      AC3A        B5A         BA5AG       R1ANF       RK1PWA
5H4BL       IV3RTL      B7M         BG7LHY      R450AD      UA6YW
5H9KR       KF9TC       C56YK       ON7YK       R450KB      UA6XT
5N8NDP      IK5JAN      CN2CP       OM3CPH      RC150KTS    RU3SD
5Q1A/P      OZ5ESB      CO7PH       W3HNK       SA25QW      SK6QW
5R8GZ       G3SWH       CO8LY       EA7ADH      SD7ME       DL5ME
5W1SA       JH7OHF      CQ4IPY      CT1BWW      SN6W        SP6ZKO
5X1AB       K6EID       CX2AQ       EA5KB       SN6WTC      SP7PKI
5X1GS       WB2YQH      DL40RRDXA   DL1YFF      TM0RWC      F6KMX
6H1MW       XE1MW       DP0GVN      DL5EBE      TM1MV       F5KCC
6J3RBA      EB7AEY      EA1/EA7TV   EA7TV       TM1RHC      F1BOW
7Q7HB       G0IAS       EG5FAB      EA5QB       TM1RWC      F6KMX
8Q7CT       M0AJT       EG8SDC      EA1AUM      TM3RWC      F1PSH
8R6USA      8R1AK       EG9SDC      EA1AUM      TM5RWC      F6KRD
9A/OK1HWS   OK1JST      EX2M        W3HNK       TM7RWC      F5APM
9A/OK1JK    OK1JST      FP/K9MDO    W9NJB       TM8CDX      F5CQ
9A/OK1JST   OK1JST      FP/W9ILY    W9ILY       TM9RWC      F5GNY
9A/OK1UXH   OK1JST      G4GIR/KH9   G4GIR       TY5ZR       IK2IQD
9A8GES      IK3GES      GH6UW       M0BLF       UA0AV       W3HNK
9A950JB/P   9A3JB       HF150TG     SQ9JKD      UE6DOO/6    RW6BJ
9H20        PB9ZR       HF40PAZ     SP6DVP      UE6LGT      UA6LP
9H3AVS      PA3AVS      HF50PLU     SQ8LUV      UN7MMM      EA7FTR
9H3X        PE1NGF      HF50SLO     SP9PNB      US7IB/p     US7IB
9H3YM       PE1OFJ      HK6DOS      EA5KB       VK4JCF      JA1JCF
9H3YT       PA3GUU      HL13STCA    6K2BWA      VO2/NF6J    DL7RV
9H3ZF       PA1GR       IP1DCI      IK1QFM      VO2ZT       VE2TKH
9M2GCN      JH3GCN      J28JA       F5JFU       VY0/KH0PR   JJ8DEN
9M4DXX      9M2TO       J44XG       HA4XG       W4H         N8PR
9M50MB      9M2AU       J48FYG      OE6FYG      YN2N        TI2OHL
9M50MP      9M2TO       J48XG       HA4XG       YT60W       YU7BCD
9M50MS      9M6TW       K6VVA/KL7   N6AWD       ZB2FX       G3RFX
A52AM       JA0JHA      KH0R        JE6DND      ZD8RH       G4DBW
A52VE       JF1OCQ      KH8/KK6H    W7TSQ       ZF2CE       KL7CE
A61AS       YO3FRI      KP4ED       EB7AEY      ZG2FX       G3RFX
A61CK       PE1BSX      MD0LON      DF1LON      ZL4IR       W8WC
A61Q        EA7FTR      OD5/F5PTM   F5OGL       ZM3R        ZL3RG
AI4GN/AH0   7K3BKY      ON4USA      ON4GDV      ZP8AE       EA7FTR
AL7DB       NI5DX       OT7G        ON4MRX      ZP8VAO      EA7FTR

[a] SWLs

8R1AK     Esmond Jones, P.O. Box 10868, Georgetown, Guyana
9M2TO     Tex Izumo, P.O. Box 125, GPO 10710, Penang, Malaysia
BRS 32525 Bob Treacher, 93 Elibank Road, Eltham, London SE9 1QJ, United
DL7RV     Juergen Vierhaus, Bernoullistr. 10, D-34246 Vellmar, Germany
G3NUG     Neville Cheadle, Lower Withers Barns, Middleton on the Hill,
          Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0HY, UK
JA1JCF    Nobushige Hyakutake, 4-5-12 Egota, Nakano-Ku, Tokyo 165-0022, Japan
JA6GXK    Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran, 2-5-35 Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba,
          260-0806, Japan
OE16B     ORF/OE16B, A-1136 Wien, Austria
PB9ZR     Ruben van der Zwet, Barentzstraat 1, 2161 TJ Lisse, The Netherlands
US7IB     Vyacheslav Gernak, P.O. Box 386, Kramatorsk, 84302, Ukraine


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                                MAILING LIST

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                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



        *** The PacketCluster network 425 DX News search tool commands ***

SH/425 CAL          shows the 425DXN Calendar "current" activities;
SH/425 BULL [num]   where [num] is the bulletin issue number;
SH/425 [text]       where [text] should be replaced with  a callsign, an  IOTA
                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc. 

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