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9 February 2008                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 875
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A4     - Amateur radio  operators in  Oman have  been granted  permission  to
         operate on 30 metres and Chris,  A45XR has been very active on  that
         band since 3 February. QSL  to Chris Dabrowski,  P.O. Box 2038,  CPO
         111, Oman ("I prefer IRCs", he says, "if there is something green in
         envelope please use tape to seal it properly"). Bureau cards are all
         right, but the A4 QSL bureau  is "extremely slow".  Do not send  any
         card via  SP5EXA (Chris'  home call,  not his  QSL manager).  A  log
         search for  A45XR's activity  on  30 metres  is  up and  running  at
3D2    - A large group of members of  the Mitsubishi Electric Tokyo Ham  Club
         will be  DX vacationing  on  Fiji on  8-10  February. They  plan  to
         operate on 160-6 metres as 3D2/JM1YGG. QSL via JM1YGG. [TNX N1DG]
3Y     - Petrus, 3Y0E (www.3y0e.com) says he will break camp and go QRT  from
         Bouvet Island  on  9 February.  He  has made  over  1,400  QSOs,  "a
         remarkable achievement from one  so new to  amateur radio". QSL  via
         LZ3HI. [TNX ZS6DXB]
CE0    - Ralph, K0HML  will  be  active  as  CE0Y/K0HML  from  Easter  Island
         (SA-001) on 13-20 February. His operating  time will be limited  and
         he plans to be active on  +/- 14183 and  3790 kHz around  00.00-1.00
         UTC. QSL via hoem call, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
CT3    - DK7YY, DL5AXX, DL5LYM and DL8WAA will be active as CT3/homecall from
         Madeira (AF-014) on 12-18  February. QSL via  home calls. They  will
         participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as CT9L (QSL via DJ6QT).  [TNX
CT3    - Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will  be active again as  CT3/DL3KWR
         and CT3/DL3KWF from  Madeira (AF-014) on  6-20 March.  They plan  to
         operate mostly CW and on 12, 17  and 30 metres. Hardy will try  also
         in RTTY and PSK-31. QSL via  home calls. E-mail requests for  bureau
         cards can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
         Their web site is at http://www.mydarc.de/dl3kwr [TNX DL3KWF]
FT     - Gildas, TU5KG [425DXN 871] expects to  be active as from FT5XR  Port
         aux Francais, Kerguelen on 15-16 February, while his fishing boat is
         refuelling. Then he will be sailing in the Crozet area until  around
         15 March,  when he  will  stop again  at  Port aux  Francais  before
         heading back to Reunion. QSL via F4EFI, direct or bureau. [TNX F4EFI
         and F6AJA]
JA     - Look for Takeshi, JS6RRR  (JI3DST) to operate  as JS6RRR/6 from  the
         Okinawa Islands (AS-017) on 9-12 February. QSL via home call, bureau
         only. [TNX JS6RRR]
JX     - Svein, LA9JKA (JX9JKA) will be "very active" from Jan Mayen (EU-022)
         from 27 March through 8 October. He plans to operate SSB and digital
         modes on 160-6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX LA9SN]
KP2    - Look for KP2/K3CT and KP2/K3TEJ  (QSL via home  calls) to be  active
         from the US  Virgin Islands (NA-106)  on 10-20  February. They  will
         emphasize 160, 30,  12 and 17  metres, and will  participate in  the
         ARRL DX CW Contest as KP2M (QSL via AI4U). [TNX NG3K]
KP2    - Yuriy, N2TTA will be active as NP2/N2TTA from the US Virgin  Islands
         on 12-19 February. He will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest  as
         NP2S (QSL via W3HNK). [TNX NG3K]
PA     - PA8A, PA3GLF and PA3GVI will be signing PG6G during the PACC Contest
         on 9-10 February. They will be  active on 160-10 metres CW and  SSB.
         QSL via PA3GVI, direct or bureau. [TNX PA3GVI]
PA     - Ulf, DK5TX  will  be active  as  PA/DK5TX  from  Goeree  Overflakkee
         (EU-146) on 11-17 February. He will operate SSB, slow CW and RTTY on
         80-10 metres,  plus  6 and  2  metres. QSL  via  home  call,  bureau
         preferred. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
PJ     - W9RE, N5OT, W4OC and N4GG will operate as PJ4/homecall from  Bonaire
         (SA-006), Netherlands  Antilles  on 12-19  February.  QSL  via  home
         calls. They will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as PJ4M  (QSL
         via N4GG). [TNX NG3K]
PY     - Joska, HA9RT reports he will be  active as PT7/HA9RT from Praia  das
         Fontes, Ceara  (Brazil) on  8-19 February.  He plans  to operate  on
         160-10 metres usign 100 watts and wire antennas. QSL via home call.
T32    - Bill, N7OU and  Bob, W7YAQ will  be active as  T32OU and T32YA  from
         Christmas Island  (OC-024),  Eastern  Kiribati  on  12-26  February,
         including a M/S entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest as T32OU. They  plan
         to operate mainly  CW, with  some SSB  and RTTY,  on 160-10  metres,
         using 100  watts and  vertical antennas.  QSL via  home calls.  [TNX
T6     - Sigfrido  (aka  7Q7RS  and  5H0RS)  is  now  active  as  T6AB   from
         Afghanistan. QSL via IT9YVO.
TI9    - TI9K was expected  to become active  from Isla del  Coco a few  days
         ago, but  it has  been delayed  (not cancelled!)  by a  bureaucratic
         hiccup. A new callsign (TI9KK) has been issued and the team was able
         to leave  for Cocos  around 18  UTC on  6 February.  Operations  are
         expected to start on the 8th and  plans are to depart the island  on
         the 14th.  QSL via  EA2CRX. The  website for  the expedition  is  at
         www.ti9.eu.com [TNX DJ7JC]
V3     - Art, NN7A will be active for  the 7th time V31JZ/p from South  Water
         Caye  (NA-180), Belize on 22-26 February. This will be a  one-person
         operation using battery and solar power for a 100 watt  transceiver,
         with vertical  and wire  antennas. Operation  will be  mostly CW  on
         40-10 metres, with some 80m and 160m.  Some SSB on 20 and 15  metres
         is possible, conditions  permitting. QSL  via home  call, direct  or
         bureau. [TNX NN7A]
VK9L   - Willy, ON5AX and  Magda, ON3AX will  be active as  VK9ALH from  Lord
         Howe Island (OC-004) on 23-30  March. They plan  to operate CW,  SSB
         and PSK31. QSL via ON5AX. [TNX ON5AX]
VP2V   - Steve, AK0M  will be  active as  VP2V/AK0M from  the British  Virgin
         Islands (NA-023) on 11-18 February, including  an entry in the  ARRL
         DX CW Contest with the call VP2VES. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP6D   - The VP6DX team set sail  from Mangareva aboard  the Braveheart on  5
         February, and expected to reach Ducie (OC-182) at their daybreak  on
         the 8th, a day ahead of  the nominal timeline.  Once on the  island,
         the team will set up camps, stations and antennas; all the  stations
         are expected to  start activity almost  simultaneously on  10 or  11
         Announced frequencies are (* = QSX down):
                CW       SSB     RTTY
         160m    1821.3   1843.3    -
         80m     3502     3784      -
         40m     7002     7099      -
         30m    10104      -      10139*
         20m    14002    14172    14089*
         17m    18072    18165*     -
         15m    21002    21295      -
         12m    24892    24987*     -
         10m    28002    28495      -
         6m     50105    50105      -
         QSL via  DL6LAU,  direct  only  -  please  visit  www.vp6dx.com  for
         information on  bureau cards  and QSLling  policy,  as well  as  for
         updates, on-line logs, operating information and much more.
VU     - Bernhard, DL2GAC  will be  active once  again as  VU2BMS from  India
         between 8 and 27 February. He plans to do some 2 metre EME WSJT from
         grid locator MK80ea. [TNX The Daily DX]
XU     - Bernd, DK7TF and Rudi, DK7PE will be active as XU7DLH from  Cambodia
         on until 14 February. Rudi will  operate on 40,  80 and 160  metres.
         For Japan he will transmit on  1821 kHz and  receive on 1824,5  kHz;
         for North America  and Europe he  might change his  TX frequency  to
         1824,5 (QSX up  5) if needed,  due to possible  QRM on  1821 in  NA.
         Please let him now if he has to QSY. QSL via DK7TF. [TNX DL7MAE]
XU     - John, 9M6XRO will operate CW, SSB  and digital modes as XU7XRO  from
         Sihanoukville, Cambodia on 20-26 February. QSL via M5AAV, direct  or
         bureau. [TNX K1XN]
YN     - Dmytro, AK2P reports  he will  be active  as H7/AK2P  and YN2G  from
         Nicaragua on 8-13  February. He plans  to operate all  modes and  to
         participate in the CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest. QSL via KC2ATG.
YN     - Eric, K9GY will be active from Nicaragua on 14-18 February. He  will
         operate from the YN2N QTH (http://www.yn2n.com) and will participate
         in the ARRL DX CW Contest as H7/K9GY on 160-10 metres. QSL via  home
         call. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. [TNX NG3K]

CARIBBEAN  TRIP  --->  Tadeusz/SP3IPB,  Agnieszka/SQ3WN,  Janusz/SP6IXF   and
Przemek/SP7VC will  be active  as FS/homecalls  from St.  Martin (NA-105)  on
14-16 February  and as  FJ/homecalls from  St. Barthelemy  (NA-146) on  17-26
February. They plan to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 40-10 metres. QSL via home
calls, direct or bureau. [TNX SP6IXF]

CQ WW WPX RTTY CONTEST ---> The  following   stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (9-10 February):
Call        Category        DXCC                QSL via
4U1UN                       United Nations HQ   HB9BOU
B4TB        MS              China               BA4TB
D4C         SOAB HP         Cape Verde          IZ4DPV
E21YDP      SOAB            Thailand            E21YDP
EA8OM       SOAB LP         Canary Islands      DJ1OJ
EF8M        SOAB HP         Canary Islands      RX3DU
HI3C        SO LP           Dominican Republic  ON4IQ
HI3T        SOAB LP         Dominican republic  ON4IQ
NP3U        M/2             Puerto Rico         WP4U
OA4O        M/S             Peru                OA4O
OH0Z        SOAB            Aland Islands       W0MM
T77CD                       San Marino          I0MWI
V31GW                       Belize              DK9GG
V31TB                       Belize              KT7G
XW1B        SOAB            Laos                E21EIC
YN2G                        Nicaragua           KC2ATG
YN2S        SOAB            Nicaragua           W3HNK
ZF2XD       SOAB LP         Cayman Islands      K3IXD
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqrjwpx2008.html - good  contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (January 2008) is now available at
http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html.  Articles  and pictures  should  be
sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

HAM RADIO 2008 ---> The 33rd   International Exibition  for Radio Amateurs  -
Europe's most important meeting for  amateur radio enthusiasts  - will   take
place on 27-29 June at Friedrichshafen.  As usual, there will  be a big  flea
market and commercial exhibitors, as well as many lectures and presentations.
Ham Radio 2008 will be combined  with the 59th Bodensee Convention  organized
by the DARC More  information at http://www.darc.de/ausland/new/HR2008.  [TNX

PROPAGATION REFLECTOR ---> Thomas Giella, KN4LF  has founded a new  radiowave
propagation e-mail reflector ("LF/MF/HF/VHF Frequency Radiowave Propagation")
for amateur  radio operators  and SWLs  "to ask  questions about  and  become
better educated concerning solar, space and  geomagnetic weather, as well  as
radiowave  propagation".  Thomas  will  also  be  posting  his  free   "Daily
LF/MF/HF/6M Frequency Radiowave Propagation Forecast" there. You can sign  up
at http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/kn4lf [TNX KN4LF]

QSL GALLERY  --->  A collection  of  1900+  QSL cards  van  be  found  at  to
http://www.dxqsl.110mb.com [TNX US7IID]

QSL PZ5RA ---> Ramon says his  new mailing address is: Ramon A.  Kaersenhout,
P.O. Box 745, Paramaribo, Suriname.

QSL TO5FJ ---> Paul, F6EXV says that  he will start QSLlling within a  couple
of weeks. Please  note that  French postal  rates will  increase effective  1
March, so you'd better mail your  direct request now and refreain from  using
SASEs. QSLling directions can be found at http://www.f6exv.org/

QSL VS9SJF --->  John, G3UCQ says  he still has  logbooks and  cards for  his
activity as VS9SJF from Socotra Island back in 1964-65. [TNX G3ZAY]

QSL VIA IK7JTF ---> Rino,  IK7JTF says he  still has logs  and QSL cards  for
5N9RGP, CN8SN, CN8VK,  HZ1CCA, OD5PI,  TT8AM and  a few  other stations  (see
qrz.com under IK7JTF). The only valid address is Salvatore Borace, Via  delle
Croste 6, 70010 Cellamare - BA, Italy.

+ SILENT  KEYS +  Recently reported  Silent Keys  include Gennaro  Pellecchia
(I8ZPX), Larry W.  Sossoman (K4CEB), Mike  Clark (K5KZ),  Per Oscar  Lomeland
(LA8PF), John Cornwell (NC8V) and Leonid Sharapov (UA3DR).


QSLs received  direct or  through managers:  3B7SP, 3B8/OH2YY,  3B8CF,  3C0M,
3C7Y, 3DA0WW, 3DA0ZO, 3W3W, 3X5A, 3XA8DX, 3Y0E, 4L1QX, 4S7EXG, 4W6GH,  5H3EE,
5H3VMB, 5J0A, 5R8RJ,  5R8VB, 5Z4/JK1FNL, 6W1SJ,  7Q7VB, 8P5A, 9G5OO,  9M6AAC,
9U0VB, 9U0X, 9Y4W, A61Q, A71EM, AH0V,  AH2L, AH2R, AI4VU/HI3, AP2DHK,  BA7IO,
GM4KGK (EU-010),  GU0SUP,  H40MY,  HK0/W0OR,  HP4/W4JKC  (NA-088),  HR9/WQ7R,
J28JA, J28OO,  J39BS,  J5X,  J6/DL7AFS,  J75/DK0RZ,  J88DR,  JD1BMH,  JG7JSQ,
PJ4/PA0VDV, PY7XC (SA-072), PZ5RA, R7C/ANT, RA1QQ/P, RA1QY/1 (EU-133),  S07X,
S79LL, S79UU, ST2R, SU9NC, SV9CVY, T32Z, T77C, T94CT, TA3/LZ1NK, TF3KX, TF4M,
UN7PBY, UP0L,  V51AS,  V51KC, V60DU,  V60YAQ,  V63DU,  V8FDM,  V8FWP,  V8FWU,
YO9WF, YW5AS  (SA-051), ZC4LI,  ZD7X,  ZF2AH, ZL7/DL2AH,  ZL7/SP5EAQ,  ZP6CW,


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH and Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


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                  or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                  Stefano Turci, IK4WMH ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia



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                    reference number,  an island  name, an  Antarctic base,  a
                    lighthouse, etc. 

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