If I choose, I am DX every time I sign on the air, either via boredom with
no other DX on (at all) or if someone is yet to work Thailand on some
band/mode.  And, I live here, so I am always DX, not just when on a

I have experimented with every calling/answering practice--by geography (EU
or NA or whatever), by prefix (which is almost "by country"), and by numbers
either taking 5 ones and then 5 twos, etc or asking for only one zero and
then one one and then one two and so on.  I also have simply answered
whoever I could hear.

I have used split, used simplex, and used spread split ("up 5 to 10").

I have done this for 10 years from Thailand.  So, given many thousands of
contacts and umpteen hours on the air during this time, I have a conclusion
that works best, and will work best OVERALL for DXpeditions.  It will even
work for a group of 99XY1AA folks who go somewhere remote but only work
other 99XY1/0  stations.

The method is simply to work one zero, then one one, then one two, then one
three, and so on through around to zero and repeat this pattern.  Every time
you reach zero, sign your call sign and every ten times, give ur QSL or
other info.  Announce 10 minutes prior to changing band/mode that you are
going to specific band/mode in ten minutes--then do that.  Do not take
exceptions; do not vary this practice.

After a few rounds of this kind of calling, ops get the idea and seldom
and all ops who can hear the DX know for sure that every ten calls, they
will have a chance to call.  Even the least patient can stand to wait nine
calls to try again.  The idea is to reduce frustration, create a dependable
routine, and not to vary.  There is no discrimination against any
geographical area nor any prefix (altho those with 2 numerials do get two
calls each round, a minor problem with so few such allocations).

However, for those who can not copy 30 WPM and up, it will be difficult to
catch the pattern and this remains a partial problem but only on CW...RTTY
and phone can make all this clear very easily and efficiently.

Finally, this method actually makes finding calls in a paper log easier
because they are all sequential.

I have already heard all the objections to my proposed method, so save ur
breath.  However, if one believes in some kind of application of the
scientific method to a problem, take heart that I have done that, done that,
done that.

Give it a try, 73

Charles Harpole,   HS0ZCW

Charly, HS0ZCW

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