Trevor, it's hard to tell exactly what your problem is.  My first 
recommendation is to take a hard look at the "Preferences" menu under 
"File."  There is probably something not right in the "Radio" 
parameters.  Reading the manual is slow going, but it can be very 
fruitful.  Much of the expertise in using the program comes from simple 
experience and making and correcting mistakes.

73, Joe

Trevor Conroy wrote:

>            Im a new user of DX4WIN and im trying to figure it out.Im
>using the demo mode and kind of having there any tutorial
>anyone has or explanation on how to get started? I cant get my 756PROII
>to work with it, I have everything set right, I can use another program
>with the same setting and it captures the frequency.I cant seem to get
>all the windows.I tried to use DXtelnet with it, but it didn't
>not seeing anything in the DXSpot window.I set all the software
>handshaking stuff..How did you all get so good at this program..i like
>it, I just need some help getting started..
>Trevor Conroy
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