Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

> I'm really torn over these.  The majority of them claim to be in Zone 17,
> though physically they are more likely in Zone 16.  I believe they want to be
> in Zone 17 to get the extra inter-continent points for working Europe in the
> CQWW contest.  Yes, there are some guys who claim Zone 16, but most of the 
> QSLs
> even say Zone 17.  I recently changed all of these to Zone 17, so they would
> agree with *most* logs and *most* QSL cards.
>>2) The list currently tries to resolve Soviet-era Special Event Callsigns
>>with an "E" prefix on a call by call basis. But they can be deciphered like
>>this: Take the call EO9ACS. The "republic"/oblast can be figured out by
>>taking the first letter after the prefix (the "A"), followiing it by the
>>number in the prefix (the "9"), and then by the second letter after the
>>prefix. This gives you A9C. Look up UA9C in an old Soviet prefix list, and
>>you get Asiatic Russia and the proper Oblast/Region.
> That is true in many cases, but not all cases.  I can probably find some
> exceptions for you, but none off the top of my head.  I have been using
> information I found on this web page:
>   http://www.qsl.at/common/listen.html
> They have actual QSL cards in hand, and a detailed list, by prefix, of every
> one (look for "Prefix List Soviet Union, CIS"). This resource has proven
> invaluable.  It looks like I messed up on EU0G, I'll have to check to find out
> why I changed this. I have been meaning to incorporate this work into DX4WIN,
> but it's a BIG task!  I'll make note of the correction.
> 73 - Jim AD1C

Please, Jim.....tell me it isn't true! A contester lying to increase his
score!! Next you'll be telling me that some of them run illegal power!!!

Seriously, as a DXer, I think I want the zone mappings to agree with the
callsign and put the "zone spoofers" in as exceptions.

Thanks for all the hard work that you've put in.

73, Roger

Remember the USS Liberty (AGTR-5)
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed May 26 13:46:23 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sven Arne Astrup)
Date: Wed May 26 11:50:12 2004
Subject: [Dx4win] Error on packet window
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hallo John!

Try this: 
clickInternet connection
In the window with all the different nodes, doubleclick on the one you want to 
connect to.

Had problem here to with the internet connection. When trying to mark the 
choosen node and clicking OK would not worj for me.

73 de Sven LA6KJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "n3drk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "dx4win" <dx4win@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] Error on packet window

> Everything is doing fine on my upgrade from version 5.03 to 6.03 with one
> exception. Whenever I try to login to any TCP/IP packet cluster I receive an
> "Error" dialog window which states " Exception occured. Apro Exception" and
> nothing comes up. Can someone clarify to me what is happening here? All my
> preferences from the previous version have been successfully merged as far
> as I can tell.
> Thanks and 73's
> john-n3drk
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