On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 12:12 PM, George <goofy...@rochester.rr.com> wrote:

> Is there a program that will allow me to input my friends paper logs into,
> say a pre set-up Excel 2010 and then convert it to ADIF for DX4WIN
> importing.

There's better solutions than Excel - ideally you want something that
understands the data and helps with the input (verifying that callsigns are
Also, having something that auto-fills is good. If you log one QSO on 20m
CW, it's helpful in a lot of cases if the software just assumes that for
the next QSO.
Fast Log Entry - http://www.df3cb.com/fle/ - is often mentioned as one way
to quickly enter logs.

If you're going to use Excel, have a look at Jim's site -
http://dx4win.ad1c.us/appnotes/filter.html - for info on how to import data
from a spreadsheet.
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