9.1.2014 13:47, Radivoj Kar, F6GNZ kirjoitti:
I think it won't be good to automatically remove dupes from the log! Better 
have them marked by a red colour and let user decide afterwards..
73, Radi F6GNZ

Le Jeudi 9 janvier 2014 10h58, PY2YP<py...@py2yp.com>  a écrit :

A tool for removing dupes QSO should be great, say, the dupes QSO should
be saved in a temporary file allowing the user to examine the removed
QSOs before deleting the temp file.
73 DX de PY2YP - Cesar

A definition of a dupe would be good.

Does it mean a dupe like in a contest i.e. a separate contact that has been made on the same band but at a different time?

I think that in this case it is a bad idea to remove the dupes from the log. The dupe contact might be the only one that is both in your log and the other stations log. The first occurence might not be in the other stations log at all for some reason (he/she worked somebody else, had a computer glitch etc).

On the other hand I have noticed that my log contains some QSOs that are separated only by seconds. They have resulted by importing the same log twice into another logging sw that I used before DX4Win. This kind of contacts I have removed manually which was time consuming.

73 de Teijo OH6NIO
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