Thanks Paul for the latest update. I absolutely love DX4WIN and have been with it since the beginning. With Writelog I pretty well have everything I want in software and my station. BUT, there are a couple of preferences I would like to see change with DX4WIN.

First, when you first open the program the log entry window defaults to the last entry logged.... you have to hit F9 to get it to a new entry window. I forget and next thing I have two entries of the same call. I would much prefer for the default position to be open the log window to a new entry.

Second, when you want to spot an entry the default has the IOTA checked and will include it with the spot.... I have to remember to un-check this before every spot. Default would be better to have this not checked.

Third, I would like to see a better system of sending info to LOTW as in Writelog... save it as a ADIF file, email and done.... I would like to update monthly to LOTW and it is pretty confusing to this old dude right now.

SO, hopefully the next update could see these preference changes. Anyone else think that these would be a good idea? Thanks, and 73's Cort K4WI
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