Hello Phil,

Oder versions of DX4WIN used different formats for their logs.  Look at File
> Import/Export.  It opens a window with all of the different log formats
you can import, including several older versions of dx4win. One of those
will be the correct one for your old .dxl log files.

Mike Cizek W0VTT 

-----Original Message-----
From: dx4win-boun...@mailman.qth.net [mailto:dx4win-boun...@mailman.qth.net]
On Behalf Of Philippe Schmitt via DX4WIN
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 16:38
To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Dx4win] Legacy logs

Hi all,

I have identified in my computer backup log files from 20 years ago(!) when,
being a teenager with a modest station, I often operated from friends’ QTHs.
Some of these logs have been created with DX4Win.

I have tried to open the logs in .dxl format with the current demo version
of DX4Win, but I’m under the strong impression that the data has either been
corrupted or that there's a version conflict. Indeed, those logs have a lot
of activity recorded on 12m, which is not a band that I recall using. (As a
matter of fact, I can’t even remember if my novice licence entitled me to
operate on 12m then). I have, however, a vivid recollection of operating
often on 10m, which is most likely where I made those QSOs.  Also, I am
tempted to rule out human error at the time of logging as there are three
files presenting the same issue.  Has any of you faced a similar issue in
the past and, if so, how have you resolved it?

Thank you in advance for any help!

73 de Phil - PT2FM

Envoyé de mon iPhone
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