On 02-Apr-21 22:39, Lee Hallin wrote
I am looking at someone else's log trying to find "matching" entries
between the LoTW DXCC_QSLs downloaded file and the users log.

I wrote a program to do some of this but there are a lot of issues it
doesn't/can't handle due to a variety of issues.

A simple case example might help explain:

When your log has a QSO date of, say, 7/14/2000 and LoTW's Credit_Granted
date for the same QSO is 7/13/2000, what do you do to reconcile them?

1) Change your log date to match that of LoTW?
2) Make a bogus entry in your log for 7/13/2001 which refers back to your
7/14/2000 entry?
     This may throw off counts for the country or entity of the QSO.
3) If your logged call is wrong, I change the call to what it should have
been and include a
     "Note for this QSO" indicating what I originally copied the call as.
     Ex. ES7BQ was copied as ES7FQ
4) Some other idea?

I may be missing something in your description, but I don't see how it's possible to have the situation you're describing. If the QSO you upload to LOTW falls outside of the 30 minute timeframe logged by the station you worked (let alone a different date), there can't be an LOTW confirmation. The same obviously goes for a miscopied callsign. How would you even know you miscopied a call (unless you receive a QSL card from the station you miscopied or something similar), but then in order to have an LOTW match, you'd need to re-submit the corrected QSO?


Zoran WA7AA

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