Hello Luc,

The (O) in the QSL manager field means they offer Online QSL Request Service 
(OQRS) either through Clublog, M0OXO, or one of the others.

Mike Cizek W0VTT

-----Original Message-----
From: dx4win-boun...@mailman.qth.net <dx4win-boun...@mailman.qth.net> On Behalf 
Of Luc
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February, 2022 13:03
To: REFLECTOR dx4win <dx4win@mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [Dx4win] QSL Mgr

I have a question, well, rather it is a curiosity.
What does the (O) indicate in the QSL MGR field? For example I worked the XE1XR 
station and I get your manager in the QSL MGR EA5GL (O) field.
Sure, when printing the QSL, it also comes out (or).
What does it indicate (O)?

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